Homesteading is rapidly becoming popular in the US as people seek independence from traditional conveniences like grocery stores. Why is it growing in popularity, and what does it take to get started?
Return to America’s roots
Bare grocery store shelves during COVID-19, paired with rising prices, prompted new interest in homesteading in recent years. Barely a century ago, growing vegetables and gathering eggs from backyard chickens were the norm, and grocery stores were just beginning to catch on. Homesteading is a return to our original traditions.
In addition to independence, homesteading rewards you with fresher vegetables, eggs, and fruit grown and harvested on your land.
How can homesteading meet your needs?
Homesteading teaches skills for supplying food, water, energy, cleaning products, and other necessities. Here are the essential areas of a homestead.
- A vegetable garden is the nucleus of homesteading self-sufficiency. Learning to plan the layout, cultivate the soil, compost, grow starter plants, water, fertilize, and harvest are essential to the lifestyle. Food sustainability is the heart of homesteading.
- Fruit trees can supply apples, oranges, peaches, lemons, and limes.
- Water security is also essential to homesteading. Having a well is fundamental on small-acreage properties, as is harvesting rainwater into large storage tanks to irrigate gardens and filter it for drinking water.
- Power generation from solar panels to emergency generators reduces dependence on the utility grid and keeps homes operating in power blackouts caused by severe weather.
- Chickens, goats, and even dairy cows are other food sources on small- and large-acreage properties.
- Beekeeping provides you with your own locally grown honey.
How big does your property need to be?
You don’t have to own a large land parcel to start a small homestead. You can grow vegetables in a planter on a condo balcony. Homeowners in a subdivision can grow fruit trees and tend a raised-bed vegetable-and-herb garden. Small-acreage properties can expand to chickens and maybe even goats.
Check neighborhood rules
Depending on the size and location of your property, you may have to check local zoning and HOA rules.
Homes inside city limits, especially in single-family residential subdivisions, will have zoning laws to consult regarding livestock. HOAs will almost certainly forbid chickens, goats, sheep, hogs, and possibly bees.
Livestock ownership is usually allowed once outside city limits and in more rural areas.
Resources for getting started with homesteading
There is a treasure trove of books, websites, and YouTube videos on homesteading. Each area, from gardens to fruit trees to chickens to beekeeping, is a deep-dive study in its own right.
Some books that can help you get started include Small Scale Homesteading, The Backyard Homestead, and anything by Joel Salatin.
Related – Buying Rural Land for Farming and Livestock