Life thrives in unexpected places, such as when grass or weeds pop up from cracks in sidewalks, patios, and driveways. Here’s a guide to removing weeds and preventing these unsightly trespassers.
It starts with a tiny seed
Many weeds disseminate extremely tiny seeds into the wind. Some of these seeds find their way into cracks in pavement and germinate in the underlying soil. Other seeds were in the ground before the pavement was laid, but a crack allowed them to sprout.
Pulling the weed or grass
The soil under a driveway or sidewalk crack is drier than the surrounding areas. As a result, pulling weeds from these areas without taking extra steps will merely break off the weed or grass instead of removing the root. A fresh weed will grow from the leftover root.
To prevent this, soak the crack with water to soften the soil. Wait a few minutes, then pull the weed. You should be able to remove most of the main root. Then, if the crack is wide enough to insert a flat screwdriver, dig out the soil to extricate additional seeds and stray root fragments that could sprout anew.
Treating with chemicals
You can use natural or manufactured chemicals to ensure the weed or grass does not return.
An effective natural chemical is vinegar. Pull the weed or grass first, getting as much root as you can, then pour vinegar into the crack. The acid in the vinegar will eliminate seeds and root fragments. If you use 30 percent vinegar, found at big-box home improvement stores, you’ll be assured of success. Alternatively, Mix water with a high proportion of salt and pour it into the crack.
Manufactured weed killers will eliminate these stray plants down to the roots. If you are comfortable using these products, stop pulling the weed or grass. Instead, wearing gloves, spray the leaves with the chemical until they are wet. (Do not do this if rain is forecast, as it will wash off the chemical.) Leave the plants to absorb the product for a minimum of 24 hours. Then, again wearing gloves, pull the weeds or grass. You should be weed-free thereafter.
Weed Prevention
To prevent future sprouting of weeds and grass in cracks, purchase mortar and a trowel from the masonry supplies section of the home improvement store. Mix the mortar and trowel it into the crack. Smooth and feather the surface around the crack for an even finish. This seals the opening and prevents future sprouting.
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