Your houseplants may have flourished while basking in the summer sunshine outdoors, but come winter, it’s time to move those plants inside. You may also have garden plants you hope to protect through the cooler...

Your houseplants may have flourished while basking in the summer sunshine outdoors, but come winter, it’s time to move those plants inside. You may also have garden plants you hope to protect through the cooler...
That first crisp fall day is exciting. We pull out sweaters, watch football and excitedly anticipate the holidays. Before long, though, it’s dark when you leave for work and dark when you drive home, and...
December is a busy month — with holiday decorating, food prep and celebrations taking over the schedule. So go ahead and give yourself the gift of a lighter load of chores around the house. Here’s...
Special cool-season décor makes homes feel warm and cozy during the colder months. Here are quick tips to make your home especially inviting during fall and winter. Bedrooms Make your bedrooms ready for the cooler...
When temperatures plunge, the risk of frozen pipes rises. How can you keep pipes from freezing in your home and what should you do if it happens? We’ve got this down cold! Vulnerable to winter’s...
In most climates, after fall’s riotous hues fade, landscapes become dreary and devoid of color. Whether you live in a snowy or moderate climate, here are some tips for transforming your barren yard with winter...
Thanksgiving is but a memory, and winter is in the air. It’s time to make sure your home is ready for the frosty months ahead. Check Heating System Ideally, the heating system should be checked...
The winter holiday season can be a challenging time to prepare your house for sale. Fortunately, staging the outside of your home with potted plants and simple decorations will help attract potential buyers. Try these...
As fall fades from the calendar, it’s time to get your house in shape for winter. From annual furnace inspections to protecting your outside faucets and pipes, here’s a handy to-do list to keep everyone...